欢迎光临汪小武博士,胡琳老师, Dr. Yao主持的今日话题栏目!
汪小武博士和胡琳老师在80年代来到美国,对中美教育做了多年的研究和实践,有多篇家庭教育论文发表在国家教育期刊《家教世界》。他们的教育理念结合中国和美国的教育精华教育下一代惠及了众多的家庭和孩子。 Dr.Yao哈佛毕业,精通文理,在帮助学生准备标考和申请美国大学方面经验丰富,广受赞赏。 
Today's Q&A
Q: 我家有个中学生,不愿意听老师的条条框框,总是按他自己的想法做,他说老师的要求限制了他的创造性,该怎么办呢? 应该强制他听老师的?您有什么好建议吗? A: 他必须遵守课堂规则,这是纪律,不守纪律到什么地方都不受欢迎。同时给他一些竞赛题和一些发挥创造力的项目去做看看到是不是真有创造性思维。
Q: I have a middle schooler. He does not like to listen to the teachers and always does what he wants to do. He said that the teachers limit his creativity. What can I do? Should I ask him to listen to the teacher? Do you have any suggestions? A: Rules are rules. He must follow the teacher’s instructions. He won’t be welcome anywhere if he does not follow the rules. We suggest that you give him some competition questions and projects that can unleash his creativity to see if he does have a creative mind.